Deploying MyVD

MyVD Prerequisites

MyVD require JRE 1.6 or higher. All other pre-requisites come with MYVD.

The MyVD Install Directory

Deploying MyVD is fairly straight forward. The download bundle has several directories:

Directory Contents
bin Contains all startup scripts
conf Comtains the myvd.conf file and the logging.conf files
logs Default log location
lib Stores all additional libraries. This is where to copy jar files containing custom inserts
jar Contains the myvd.jar file

Starting MyVD

The bin directory contains unix and windows startup scripts. To start MyVD on windows, double click (or create a shortcut to) myvd.vbs. On unix run the script with either the parameters "start" or "stop".

If you wish to create a custom start script the MyVD startup command is

java -server net.sourceforge.myvd.server.Server /path/to/config/myvd.conf

The Default MyVD Configuration

The myvd.conf file in the conf directory of the MyVD bundle has a very basic default configuration. This configuration is setup to have the DumpTransaction insert on the global chain and a sample RootDSE configuration.

Configuring Logging

MyVD utilizes the Log4j logging system. By default MyVD will log to the "logs" directory in the MyVD bundle at an "informational" level. The full default Log4J configuration is

log4j.appender.logfile.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d][%t] %-5p %c{1} - %m%n

To customize logging log4j properties may be set in a file called logging.conf in the same directory as the myvd.conf file used to configure your instance. If you only wish to make a change to any of the above properties you only need to set that propert. For instance to enable "debug" mode the logging.conf file should look like:


Utilizing The Start Scripts

MyVD comes with start scripts for both *nix and Windows. In order to use these scripts two environment variables need to be defined:

JAVA_HOME The path to the JRE
MYVD_HOME The path to where MyVD has been installed